TKT, unit 3, Phonology...British phonetics!
The TKT unit 3 has to do with phonetics, and here is something very different, it doesn´t matter if you speak North American English, Australian English or even English from New Zealand or South Africa. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND STANDARD BRITISH ENGLISH, which represents both an advantage and a disadvantage for you, on the one hand, you can study and learn to RECOGNIZE the sounds of standard British English, YOU DON´T HAVE TO SPEAK LIKE A BRITISH to pass the TKT, so knowing the differences between the variety of English you may speak and British English certainly add up to your general knowledge of English, on the other hand, isn´t it an imposition? according to what the TKT test stands for it is an Teaching Knowledge Test, not a British English testing knowledge test. so it should cater for regional varieties of English, remember, the English language is an international language, not a regional one.
ok without further ado, let us start with the definitions, first, you want to watch this video. Take as many notes as you can.
And here is a summary of what you have studied
a better description of this presentation can be found in this video.
So one these concepts are clear, it is time to start taking TKT samples, I have plenty of exercises in the platform at if you are interested, just contact me at the whatsapp number +573128043715 and I can talk to you about prices (59USD) and I will personally guide you through the TKT preparation.
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